Application Invitation for Bharatiya Rangashikshana Kendra Training 2023

Application Invitation for Bharatiya Rangashikshana Kendra Training 2023

Application Invitation for Bharatiya Rangashikshana Kendra Training 2023

The government of Karnataka has operated the Bharatiya Rangashikshana Kendra, a full-time theatre school, in Mysore for the past 14 years.

This theatre institution is accredited by Dr. Gangubai Hanagal University of Music and performing arts. The institution conducts One Year Diploma course (2 semesters) in theatre education every year and currently it is inviting applications from eligible candidates for the year 2023-24.

Candidates who wish to join this course for the current year must have a minimum qualification of 2nd PUC (10 + 2) or equivalent examination. Minimum and maximum age limit should be 18 and 28 years respectively as on the last date fixed for the submission of the application.

Application Invitation for Bharatiya Rangashikshana Kendra Training 2023

The selected students will be provided accomodation and will be provided student stipend of Rs.5,000/- per month as per the rules of Rangayana.

   Students who want to join Bharatiya Rangashikshana Kendra should download application from the Rangayana website or should get it in person at Rangayana office during office hours on working days from 15-05-2023.

Candidates should fill the application, with the necessary documents attached and should be submitted to Rangayana through Post or in person along with the DD for application fee (which include a theatre manual) of Rs. 200/- for General category and Rs. 150/- for SC, ST and Category -1 candidates. The DD should be addressed to Deputy director, Rangayana, Mysore.

The last date to reach your application along with the DD is 25-05-2023, before 5.30 pm. Candidates who are sending the applications through the Postal should send a DD of Rs.230/- (which includes application fee of Rs.200/- and the Postal charges of Rs.30/- for theatre manual, which will be sent by Rangayana ). The date of interview will be intimated to the candidates by letter.

Candidates should attend the interview in Rangayana premises at their own expenses. Only working lunch will be arranged by Rangayana for the candidates on the day of interview. Accommodation will not be provided during the interview.

For more details contact: 0821-2512639, 9448938661/9148827720.

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