
KSFC New Recruitment 2023 Apply for Deputy manager Posts#bangalore job

Karnataka State Finance Corporation has invited applications from candidates to fill up Deputy Manager posts. Interested and eligible candidates can apply through offline.

Organization Name: Karnataka State Financial Corporation (KSFC)

Number of Posts: 41

Job Location: Bangalore – Karnataka

Post Name: Deputy Manager

Salary: Rs.52650-97100/- per month

KSFC Vacancy Details;

Post Name / No. of Posts

Deputy Manager (Legal) -18

Deputy Manager (Finance & Accounts) -12

Deputy Manager (Technical) -11

Applying candidates read the notification completely and then apply

KSFC New Recruitment 2023 Apply for Deputy Manager Posts#bangalore job

KSFC New Recruitment 2023 Apply for Deputy Manager Posts#bangalore job

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KSFC New Recruitment 2023 Apply for Deputy Manager Posts#bangalore job

Eligibility details


  • Deputy Manager (Tech)– Engineering Graduation (with 60% and above
    marks for General Merit and Backward Class &
    55% and above for SC/ST candidates) in the
    branch of Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical /
    Information Science / E&C Technology from any
    recognized University in India with two (02)
    years experience in responsible position in a
    reputed Company which is registered with the
    Registrar of Companies including LLPs.
    Hands on experience in using personal computer
    covering Windows, Spreadsheet, Word Processor
    and Database.
  • Deputy Manager (Legal) –  Graduates in Law (with 60% and above marks for
    General Merit and Backward Class & 55% and
    above for SC/ST candidates) from any recognized
    University in India with two (02) years
    experience as a practicing advocate/ in financial
    institution/ Banks/ reputed Company which is
    registered with the Registrar of Companies
    including LLPs.
    Hands on experience in using personal computer
    covering Windows, Spreadsheet, Word Processor
    and Database. 
  • Deputy Manager (F&A) – ACA/ ICWA/ MBA or M.Com (with 60% and above
    marks for General Merit and Backward Class &
    55% and above for SC/ST candidates) with 02
    years experience in development banking/
    reputed financial institutions/ commercial banks/
    any reputed Company which is registered with
    the Registrar of Companies including LLPs.
    CFA / PGDMA from IIMs with minimum of two
    (02) years experience in any.
    Hands on experience in using personal computer
    covering Windows, Spreadsheet, Word Processor,
    Database and computerized accounting systems.

KSFC New Recruitment 2023 Apply for Deputy Manager Posts#bangalore job

Age Limit:

1. For SC/ST & Cat-I candidates – min.25 years & max.40 years
2. For Cat-2A, Cat-2B, Cat-3A &
Cat-3B candidates – min.25 years & max.38 years
3. For General Merit candidates – min.25 years & max.35 years

KSFC New Recruitment 2023 Apply for Deputy Manager Posts#bangalore job

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Selection process;

Recruitment to the post of Deputy Manager (Technical), Deputy Manager (Legal)
and Deputy Manager (F&A) will be made strictly on merit based on the marks secured
in written Test (weightage 75%), interview (weightage 12.50%), qualifying exam
(weightage 12.50%) after duly following existing reservation policies of Government of
Karnataka issued from time to time.

i. A written test of two (2) hours duration will be conducted for 100 marks with
multiple choice answers. Each question will carry One (1) mark.

ii. The question paper will be in English version only, except for Kannada
knowledge portion.

iii. List of eligible candidates for the Written Test along with other details viz., date,
time and venue will be published in KSFC web site at a later date.

iv. The interview/ viva voce will be conducted for 12.50% weightage.

v. The written tests could be either ‘pen-and-paper’ and / or ‘online’ and will be
designed & conducted by Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) or any other
authority as decided by the Managing Director / Chairman cum Managing
Director / Board and shall cover the core subjects for the respective category (50
marks), general knowledge / current affairs (25 marks) & Kannada language (25

vi. The candidate should have the knowledge of writing and reading of Kannada
language fluently.

vii. Candidates successful in the Competitive Examination, by following the policy of
reservation, in the ratio of 1:3 shall be called for interview / viva-voce & the
candidate shall be intimated in writing well in advance

viii. Based on the results thereof, a merit list of the candidates shall be prepared
keeping the reservation criteria for each post or category of post with the
following weightage.
12.50 % of the qualifying exam marks
75.00% of the written test marks
12.50 % of the viva voce interview marks

ix. Candidates shall attend the Written Test and Interview / viva voce on their own

KSFC New Recruitment 2023 Apply for Deputy Manager Posts#bangalore job

KSFC New Recruitment 2023 Apply for Deputy Manager Posts#bangalore job

    i. General Knowledge – 25 marks.
    a. Current affairs
    b. Quantitative aptitude
    c. Numerical ability

APPLICATION FEE (Non-Refundable):

The application fee prescribed for applying for these posts are as below:

i. 1500/- (Rupees One Thousand Five Hundred only) in respect of candidates
belonging to SC/ST Category.

ii. `.2000/- (Rupees Two Thousand only) in respect of candidates belonging to
General candidates and Cat-1, Cat-2A, Cat-2B, Cat-3A & Cat-3B.
NOTE: Only such applications will be considered against which application fee is paid.

KSFC New Recruitment 2023 Apply for Deputy Manager Posts#bangalore job

Latest  jobs 

How to apply for KSFC Recruitment (Deputy Manager) Jobs;

i. Applications should be sent by post in a cover super scribing the post applied for
“Application for the Post of Deputy Manager (Technical), Deputy
Manager (Legal) and Deputy Manager (Finance & Accounts)” to the
following address so as to reach latest by 07.07.2023.
“The Managing Director,
KSFC Head Office,KSFC Bhavana,
No.1/1, Thimmaiah Road,
Bengaluru 560052.

  • ii. Before filling up the application forms, the candidates shall go through
    instructions made available in the employment notification and satisfy on their
    eligibility criteria. The Corporation will not be responsible for any wrong entry in
    the application by the applicant.
  • iii. The candidates should pay the application fee by way of Demand Draft (DD)
    obtained from any nationalized bank and drawn in favor of “KSFC, Bengaluru”
    and enclose the original DD along with the filled application failing which the
    application will not be entertained.
  • iv. Payment of application fee by any other mode such as cheque, Money Order,
    Postal Order etc., will not be accepted.
  • v. Candidates are allowed to apply only once and application once submitted cannot
    be altered under any circumstances.
  • vi. Candidates should compulsorily submit their applications with copies of all the
    relevant documents like DD in original, Caste Certificate, SSLC and Qualifying
    Examination Marks Cards, Kalyana Karnataka Certificate, reservation claimed,
    Rural and Kannada Medium Certificates, Experience Certificate etc. The
    incomplete applications and applications without required relevant certificates
    will be rejected. The originals of the copies enclosed to the application only to be
    submitted for verification at the time when they are called for document
    verification/ viva voce.

KSFC New Recruitment 2023 Apply for Deputy Manager Posts#bangalore job

Applying candidates read the notification completely and then apply

Important Dates:

Starting Date for Applying Offline: 14-06-2023

Last Date to Apply: 07-Jul-2023

For Assistance;

if any, during submission of application, the candidates may
contact over the HELP LINE number 080 22282507 on all working days during
office hours only.

 Important Links;

Read the notification for more information;  Click Here





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